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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Japan says quake rebuilding to cost as much as 25tn yen

Japan says quake rebuilding to cost as much as 25tn yen

An earthquake and tsunami devastated area The earthquake and tsunami have caused massive damage to Japan's infrastructure
Japan has said it will cost as much as 25 trillion yen ($309bn; £189bn) to rebuild the country after the deadly earthquake and tsunami.
The cost is about 6% of Japan's total economic output in 2010 and is the biggest estimate so far.
According to the World Bank, Japan will need up to five years to rebuild and recover from the damage caused.
The devastation has been described as the country's biggest crisis since the end of World War II.
The confirmed death toll from the earthquake and tsunami is now 9,079, with 12,645 missing.
Significant outages
According to the government, the damage caused to infrastructure and the uncertainty surrounding the future of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant may derail Japan's fragile economic recovery.
Japan is facing power shortages as well as difficulty shifting products around the country.

Start Quote

The quake's negative impact on the economy, at least on the supply side, may be bigger than the Kobe quake 16 years ago”
End Quote Ryuzo Miyao Bank of Japan
"The impact from the planned power outages is likely to be significant," said Fumihira Nishizaki, director of macroeconomic analysis at the Cabinet Office.
These issues are making it difficult for some of the country's biggest exporters, such as carmakers and electronics firms, to restart production at their factories.
Japan's economic growth is powered by its successful export sector.
Analysts say that growth will suffer until infrastructure issues are solved and factories start running at full capacity again.
The Bank of Japan warned of the impact on growth.
"This quake will cause the condition of Japan's economy and output to be severe," Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa said.
Further slowdown
Japan's economy was struggling to come out of recession and the global economic slowdown even before the earthquake and tsunami struck.
It was overtaken by China as the world's second-largest economy after its economy shrank by 1.3% in the last three months of 2010.
Analysts say that the current crisis, which is now seen as more severe than previous earthquakes such as the one that hit Kobe, may put further brakes on Japan's growth.
"We need to be mindful that the quake's negative impact on the economy, at least on the supply side, may be bigger than the Kobe quake 16 years ago, and be prolonged," said Ryuzo Miyao, a board member at Bank of Japan.


Wednesday 2 March 2011

Adwa Victory Day(Abysinian victory against the faciast italian colonisation of ethiopia)

On this day in History: ABYSSINIANS DEFEAT ITALIANS.; Both Wings of Baratieri's Army Enveloped in an Energetic Attack



Permalink 01:29:45 am, by, 421 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Ethiopia

On this day in History: ABYSSINIANS DEFEAT ITALIANS.; Both Wings of Baratieri's Army Enveloped in an Energetic Attack

ABYSSINIANS DEFEAT ITALIANS.; Both Wings of Baratieri's Army Enveloped in an Energetic Attack

Massaowa, March 2, 1896
- Gen. Baratieri attacked the Abyssinians [Ethiopia] yesterday. Gens. Albertone, Arimondi, and Dabormida commanded the left, centre, and right brigades, respectively. Gen. Ellina commanded the reserve.

The Italians captured the passes leading to Adowa without opposition. Gen. Albertone, with four native battalions and four mountain batteries , engaged the enemy, but where soon overcome by overwhelming odds.
Gen. Arimondi was ordered to cover the retreat, but his position prevented him from complying with the order. The Abyssinians in the meantime made an energetic attack, which soon extended to the whole Italian front and enveloped both wings.
A desperate struggle ensued. and finally the Italians were compelled to abandon their positions. The nature of the ground prevented the batteries from moving. The Italians are retiring behind Belesa. The losses sustained are unknown.
The New York Times
Published March 3, 1896
Three thousand Men Killed, Sixty Guns and All Provisions Lost.
Baratieri's Strategy Condemned.
All Available Steamers for Transport of Reinforcements to Abyssinia are Ordered.
Persistent Rumor of Ministry's Fall
Rome, March 3 - The present campaign against the Abyssinians threatens to become one of the most disastrous in which the Italians arms have ever taken part, and what the final outcome will be it would be hard to predict. It was rumored today that the latest defeat of the Italians by King Menelik had compelled Ministry to resign, owing to the popular disapproval of the Government's policy, but tonight this report is denied.
Details received here today of the defeat on Sunday of the Italian Army show that the Italian losses were very heavy, they being placed by some at 3,000 killed. It is still impossible to ascertain the precise losses, but popular opinion credits the report that the number of killed is not overstated. Thus far the reports make no mention of the number of wounded. Among the dead are Gen. Albertone, Commander of the Left Brigade, and Gen. Dabormida, Commander of the Right Brigade.
The news of this latest disaster has caused the greatest excitement throughout Italy, and the Opposition party is taking advantage of it to make violent attacks upon the Government's policy in attempting to extend the sphere of Italian influence in Abyssinia.
The Pope is greatly disturbed by the news.
Among the many reports current today was one to the effect that Gen. Baratieri had committed suicide, being unable to endure the humuliation of his defeat.

Published on March 4, 1896 in the New York Times.



Comment from: Wetu Enewta [Visitor]
Yes, the pope of the day was very disturbed at the news of the defeat in the hands of the Abysinians having first prayed for and blessed the campaign. Yes, so much has been done in the name of religion. This was one aggression mounted against a defenseless population by the earthly powers of the day that bit the dust! Glory to the Ethiopian heroes of the day who sacrificed everything so that a proud nation may live for ages. The mighty heroes shall live in the hearts and minds of the current children of Ethiopia!
03/01/11 @ 01:43
Comment from: Tessema [Visitor]
It was not a fair and balanced war!

King Minilik had close to 250,000 army while the Italians only 16, 000 boots on the ground with worthless Askaris (20,000 in numbers).

4000 Italians dead
2000 captured
2000 incapacitated
50% of Italian Army was decimated...seriously, it was not a balanced war.

The most anoying part, Minilik had the oportunity to drive them beyond the Red Sea but he prefered not fearing a retaliation of Italy. He didn't realize tho that Itally was in mess politicaly after the defeat. No plan at all for retaliation. The PM resigned after the defeat.

Ohhhh Minilik had the chance but he blew it up!
03/01/11 @ 01:54
Comment from: Ogaden Kid [Visitor]
Colonizer fighting another colonizer. We all know what happen between 1939 and 1945. Where Italy claimed Ethiopia as a colony and the Homosexual king ran to England claiming to be Caucasian and begging for help. Italy did colonize Ethiopia and built numerous buildings and infrastructure which are still withstanding today.

And the Tigrays welcomed Italians with open arms
03/01/11 @ 02:05
Comment from: Observer [Visitor]
"The Pope is greatly disturbed by the news" What a Pope, Ya? A man of God that advocates Crime agains inocent people of Africa. He sounds the one who is sitting in Addis and call himself Patriarch.

What we need in Ethiopia now is a Menelik or an Alula that can wipe out this Banda government.
03/01/11 @ 02:41
Comment from: GEFERSA [Visitor]
yes the British imperial gurd we never forgot them,even today they contribut a lot for Geferesa mental health institute, tranqulizer
03/01/11 @ 03:41
Comment from: Ibsa [Visitor]
This is more of a football match than a victory to be celebrated.

This is move of an over hyped story.
If The Abyssinians had defeated Italy they would have taken over the northern coastal strip(Eritrea.) and at least would have a port and access to the world.

I mean 19th Century Abyssinia was more of a house negro state that served European masters to stand on its two feet.

What were the achievements of the battle?

Nothing and no lessons were learnt from it.
03/01/11 @ 03:49
Comment from: Wello [Visitor]
It is nice to publish only what our ear wants to liston, but I wondered how many of us knows the Italian colonisation of Ethiopia for 5 years from 1936-1941 and we were saved by the British. Our king Hailesselasie at this crucial time abandoned the whole society and retreate to the United kingdom to save his life. He couldn't stand infront of them like what Tedros did to the English. Do you call that a win or a defeate? Do you call Halesselasie a hero or a coward? but fact is fact and please avoid cheating ourselves by telling what we only want to hear!!!!!!!!This is the information age.
03/01/11 @ 04:00
Comment from: benshangul gumuz [Visitor]
wetu enewta
i salute u for the great comment u posted .. those white Shermuta italians shoul always remember that day generation to generation,, our hero fathers fought the mighty force of musolini who was armed by airplanes & bombers ,tanks,machine gun , GAS etc... all current ethiopian kids need to be told & reminded how many many sacrefied their life for the history & pride that they witness today... GOD BLESS ABBYSINIA ...
03/01/11 @ 04:58
Comment from: hagos [Visitor] Email
4 natives battalion????
03/01/11 @ 05:31
Comment from: kebraraw menze [Visitor]
YES,YES,YES!!! Let this great day be our pride. Let this great day be our symbol of freedom. Let this day be our testimony to our beloved Christian country that her children will never betray her and will always defend her from enemies. And let this day be a lesson to these white pigs never to underestimate Abyssinians for we are like bees, “DON'T MESS WITH US“.
03/01/11 @ 05:45
Comment from: obsa [Visitor]
I want to know the meaning of "Victory" at war. What does it mean? If 10,000 soldiers are killed to capture a small amount of land , who is the winner. The one which lost 10,000 soldiers or the one who lost no soldier. Abysinians paid many lives to gain a small thing. That is not victory for me.
03/01/11 @ 06:23
Comment from: Imperial Body Guard [Visitor]
"Those who, in the light of all these historical ties and evidence of unity, are coming between Us on religious, ethnical and other grounds are doing so not for our benefit but for that of their own. This can be easily understood. That former colonial powers are benefiting from creating discord among geographically, economically, historically and ethnically linked people in Africa and other parts of the world in order to maintain their former authority is known not only to those who can read but to the illiterate as well. Nobody knows better than We Africans that the policy of divide and rule are aspirations of those who seek to benefit at others' expense. That it is the obsolete method of dividing to rule in order to rule by divining is apparent.
Being aware of the attacks and tricks of imperialism, Ethiopia has been the first African country who waged war against such powers and through her unity, has preserved her liberty through victories as in the recent case of Adua. More than being an example to the rest of the African states, after the Second World War, Ethiopia struggled alone in International Conferences, for African independence with no other free African nations to support her as at present. No greater testimony could be available to the resistance made by Our patriots against the enemy on seven fronts with the use of out-dated weapons than the heroic activities of Our fathers, relying upon GOD the Almighty." Selected Speeches of HIM Negus Haile Selassie I, page 465
"Man can only begin an enterprise, it is for GOD to dispose of it to a good end." HIM Negus Haile Selassie I
Long Live the Constitutional Monarchy!
Long Live African Unity!
Fire burn down the alien imposed federation of the witchcraft star of secession
Rise with the Lion of Judah!
Long Live Independent Ethiopia!
03/01/11 @ 06:42
Comment from: Jacob [Visitor]
Paragraph 2: "The Italians captured the passes leading to Adowa without opposition. Gen. Albertone, WITH FOUR NATIVE BATTALIONS and four mountain batteries , engaged the enemy, BUT WHERE SOON OVERCOME BY OVERWHELMING ODDS."
Question 1: Where were those FOUR NATIVE BATTALIONS from?
Answer: They were the Askaris(Bandas), the real grandfathers of the current Shabians.
Question2: What were the OVERWHELMING ODDS?
Answer: Everything Ethiopian was an OVERWHELMING ODD to the Italians. It was a total catastrophe to them.The real Ethiopian spirit spoke out!! A real OVERWHELMING ODD.

Thank you Taytu, thank you Fit.Gebeyehu,thank you Bashay Awalom, thank you Ras Alula, Thank you Ethiopian patriots! You are the proud of all blacks on the four corners of the globe.
03/01/11 @ 07:05
Comment from: OYEAH [Visitor]
Glory to the mighty Ethiopian nation, and to every Ethiopian !
03/01/11 @ 07:54
Comment from: the real fighter [Visitor]
hageratchin ityop'ya lezelalem yibark!that time generation of ethiopians have been lions and fearless.but nowadays,many of ours are sissy bootleggers,queers and prostitutes from rank to and there and everywhere!whenever i hear some of ours babbling,it sounds like lukewarm pussies in adult bodies.of course,we have some hardcore patriots,but they are rare.may god give more strenghs to them and let our beloved ethiopia arise!herewego...
03/01/11 @ 08:33
Comment from: Belay [Visitor]
eternal glory to those ethiopians who chose death over slavery to some sleezy Talian.
thank you for making us proud!
03/01/11 @ 09:24
Comment from: XyZ [Visitor]
I heart Ethiopian heroes. How was it like fighting tanks with knife? How was it like Defeating the well equiped Italian Army with ease? I bet it felt good. Thats like being JEGNA in streiods. Thank you for your service and scrifice, Ethiopian Heroes.
03/01/11 @ 09:27
Comment from: Assefa Seeifu [Visitor]

It sad that we, the children of these heroes, are now ruled by those that are sold lock stock and barrel to those that our forefathers sacrificed their lives to protect.

Those were the days when our forefathers sacrificed their lives to protect their honour and those of their if their off springs.

What a shame!

03/01/11 @ 10:16
Comment from: Observer [Visitor]
four native battalions ????

The natives included Tigrayans that were paid by the Italians to fight against their own people. That is documented in the history books in Italian. Now they are getting paid by the Americans. The West always use the greediest or easily converted to BANDAS to advance their interest
03/01/11 @ 10:28

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Viva La revolucion. Che still lives on

Click to play
The BBC's Jim Muir: "There are thousands upon thousands of people waiting desperately to cross that border"
The situation on Libya's border with Tunisia has reached crisis point, as tens of thousands of foreigners flee unrest in the country, the UN says.
Aid staff are battling to cope with an exodus that has seen some 140,000 people crossing into Tunisia and Egypt.
Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has played down protests in the country and insisted that all his people love him.
His comments came amid reports that he is attempting to regain control of rebel areas in western Libya.
Col Gaddafi is facing a massive challenge to his 41-year rule, with protesters in control of towns in the east.
Witnesses said pro-Gaddafi forces tried to retake the western cities of Zawiya, Misrata and Nalut on Monday but were repulsed by rebels helped by defecting army units.

At the scene

There are scenes of total chaos here. This is no-man's land. This area controls access through a narrow passage to the Tunisian passport control. There are just thousands upon thousands of people waiting desperately to cross. Some of those who are at the front have been overcome, they've been crushed, they're in a condition of complete exhaustion and hardly able to breathe.
Many have had a long and difficult journey to get here and there are more coming all the time. Once they get to the Tunisian side their problems are not over. In a way they're only just beginning.
There are thousands who've been stranded, sleeping out on the tarmac on the approach roads and in the car park as they wait for transport to move them on. It's increasingly overloaded. The facilities there are completely swamped. Neither the Tunisians nor the international community have been able to keep pace with this exodus that is taking place.
The rebels said they had killed eight pro-Gaddafi militia, but there were no opposition fatalities. There has been no word from the government on casualties.
There are fears in Zawiya that the city may be attacked from the air, but the rebels remained defiant.
"We're not here for power, authority or money," they said in a message aimed at Col Gaddafi.
"We are here for the cause of freedom and the price we are willing to pay is with our own blood. It's victory or death."
'Deep stress'
Melissa Fleming, a spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, said 70-75,000 people had fled to Tunisia since violence began in Libya on 20 February. A similar number have gone to Egypt, where most have been able to continue their journeys onward.
"Our staff on the Libya-Tunisia border have told us this morning that the situation there is reaching crisis point," she told the AFP news agency.
About 2,000 people are crossing into Tunisia every hour but once in Tunisia many of them have nowhere to go. Another 20,000 are said to be backed up on the Libyan side.
Most are Egyptian, but there are also significant numbers of Chinese and Bangladeshis.
Click to play
Col Gaddafi told the BBC that the protesters were members of al-Qaeda
There are also concerns about thousands of registered refugees from Iraq, Somalia and Sudan, many of whom have said they feel trapped, threatened and hunted.
One black African refugee told the BBC he had fled the rebel-controlled eastern city of Benghazi because of threats against him by opposition supporters who thought he was a mercenary hired by Col Gaddafi.
"They don't want to see blacks in Benghazi," he said.
World Food Programme executive director Josette Sheeran told the BBC food was being brought in by road and air, and bought locally, but supplies were under "deep stress".
"This will be a very pressured situation for some time - that's why we have launched an emergency appeal for funds to back up the system here," she said.
Tented transit camps are being set up hurriedly on the Tunisian side, while frantic efforts are being made to charter aircraft and ships to repatriate the stranded.
In other developments:
  • The European Union is calling an extraordinary summit for 11 March to discuss the situation in Libya and unrest in other parts of North Africa and the Middle East
  • US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in testimony to the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, urged lawmakers not to cut funds on dealing with overseas crises. She said Libya "could become a peaceful democracy or it could face protracted civil war"
  • The Red Cross is requesting access to western Libya, amid unconfirmed reports of attacks on doctors and summary killings of patients
  • Austria has frozen assets of the Libyan leadership worth 1.2bn euros ($1.65bn; £1.02bn) as Germany freezes the bank account of one of Col Gaddafi's sons
'No morals'
Col Gaddafi gave an interview in the capital Tripoli for BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen, US TV network ABC and the UK's Sunday Times newspaper.
Col Gaddafi accused Western countries of abandoning Libya and said that they had no morals and wanted to colonise the country.
Libya map
When asked whether he would resign, he said he could not step down as he did not have an official position - and insisted that the power in the country was with the people.
Col Gaddafi challenged those, including UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who have accused him of having money abroad, to produce evidence. He said he would "put two fingers in their eye".

Start Quote

I would think Mr Obama would want at least one big ally in the region to join in if any action was taken”
End Quote
Col Gaddafi said true Libyans had not demonstrated but those who had come on to the streets were under the influence of drugs supplied by Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.
But in response to the interview, the US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice said the fact he was laughing at questions while "slaughtering his own people" showed that he was disconnected from reality.
Col Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, on Tuesday condemned Ms Rice's comments and added that Mr Cameron's handling of the situation was "like a joke".
Mr Cameron has frozen Gaddafi assets and called for the Libyan leader to go.
Saif Gaddafi told Sky News that the east had not fallen and he denied that the people there wanted his father out, saying it was just local difficulties.
World foreign ministers on Monday condemned attacks on Libyan civilians and the European Union imposed sanctions including an arms embargo, asset freeze and travel ban on Col Gaddafi and his close entourage.

preview: Chelsea Vs Man utd

Chelsea    v    Man Utd

    Barclays Premier League
    Venue: Stamford Bridge Date: Tuesday, 1 March Kick-off: 1945 GMT
    Coverage: Watch live on Sky Sports 2; listen on BBC Radio 5 live and local radio; text commentary on BBC Sport website and mobiles

    Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti is likely to keep faith with a 4-4-2 formation against Manchester United.
    Fit-again defender Yury Zhirkov could make his first league appearance since November after coming on as a substitute in the last two cup games.
    Manchester United pair Ryan Giggs and Michael Owen should return from respective hamstring and groin injuries.
    Rio Ferdinand and Jonny Evans are not expected to be fit until the weekend.

    Injured: Alex (knee), Benayoun (Achilles)
    Manchester United
    Doubtful: Giggs (hamstring), Owen (groin)
    Injured: Anderson (knee), Evans & Valencia (both ankle), Ferdinand (calf), Park (hamstring)

    On the eve of the original December date for this fixture, Sir Alex Ferguson described it as "probably the most important game of the season." The same cannot be said now.

    If we want to put in a charge for the Premier League then we must beat Manchester United, a draw is no good and obviously losing is no good at all
    Chelsea captain John Terry

    Wintry conditions caused the game to be postponed 10 weeks ago, and Chelsea's title push has been in cold storage ever since. Even if they win on Tuesday, the London side to benefit most would be second-placed Arsenal.
    Chelsea's deficit to leaders Manchester United has widened from three points when the snow fell before Christmas to 15 now. Blues' captain John Terry insists the champions are not ready to concede the title, but more realistic is the assertion by Ferguson that the championship is between his United team and Arsenal.
    Chelsea at least resembled their old selves in beating FC Copenhagen in the Champions League last week. And while few clubs can take heart from a visit by Manchester United, Chelsea have not lost to them at Stamford Bridge since April 2002.

    • Chelsea are unbeaten in their last eight home league games against Manchester United since a 3-0 defeat nearly nine years ago (W5, D3).
    • United have failed to score in five of their last seven Premier League visits to Chelsea.
    • Referee Martin Atkinson has awarded the most penalties (10) and red cards (9) of any official in Premier League this season.
    • Chelsea have only taken eight points from their last six home matches (W2, D2, L2).
    • They have the division's best defensive record, conceding 22 goals in 26 matches.
    • Seven league defeats this season represents the equal-most they have lost in a single campaign since Roman Abramovich bought the club. Another defeat would be the most ever by defending Premier League champions.
    • The Blues have only dropped four points from winning positions - a record only bettered by Stoke.
    • Nicolas Anelka could make his 300th Premier League start.
    • Fernando Torres has scored three goals in his last four league matches against Manchester United.
    Manchester United
    • United have won five of their last six league matches.
    • They are the Premier League's top scorers, with 61 goals in 27 matches.
    • The league leaders have the best record in the division against top-half opposition, winning six and drawing five of their previous 11 matches this season.
    • Sir Alex Ferguson's side are unbeaten in all seven Premier League matches in which Javier Hernandez has scored, winning the last six.
    • If selected, Michael Carrick will be making his 350th career league appearance.


    Nicolas Anelka

    Anelka: 16 goals (6 league);
    Drogba & Malouda: 10 goals (9 league);
    Kalou: 10 goals (7 league)

    Dimitar Berbatov

    Manchester United
    Berbatov: 20 goals (19 league);
    Hernandez: 13 goals (9 league)

    Referee: Martin Atkinson
    Assistant referees: Peter Kirkup & Mike Mullarkey
    Fourth official: Chris Foy

    Chelsea (D0-0 v Fulham, h): Cech; Ivanovic, Luiz, Terry, Cole, Ramires, Essien, Lampard, Anelka (Kalou 65), Torres (Drogba 71), Malouda. Subs not used: Turnbull, Mikel, Ferreira, McEachran, Sala.
    Manchester United (W4-0 v Wigan, a): Van der Sar; O'Shea, Smalling, Vidic, Evra, Fletcher, Carrick, Scholes (Gibson 77), Nani (Fabio 85), Hernandez (Berbatov 76), Rooney. Subs not used: Kuszczak, Brown, Rafael, King.